How To Guides

The Basics: Integrating and Setting Up Your Account
Watch this video below on how to connect to Xero and ServiceM8 along with how to set up your account.
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Connecting to Xero
Connecting to Xero has never been easier. From the Dashboard, click on Account < Apps < Connect to Xero.
Log in to your Xero Account and allow Burdi permission to connect.
Setting Up Your Account
Default Xero Settings
You can set default rules for all invoices being sent to Xero by heading to Account < Settings < Scroll down to Xero Settings
Here the Xero Bill Account Code can be edited to ensure that all invoices are sent with this account code. Click the drop-down box and scroll down to whichever account code you would like to set as your default setting for Xero.
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Similarly, you can do the same thing for your Xero Bill Inventory Account Code. You can set it to Cost of Goods Sold or whichever account code is used for your business, materials or supplies.
You can change this setting for individual suppliers and on individual invoices.
You can also watch The Basics video on how to do this.
Changing Supplier Settings
Payment due dates, Account Codes and Tax Rates vary for suppliers. You can manage this for each supplier by editing individual supplier settings.
Watch this video to find out how.
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Chart of Accounts
If you have connected to Xero what you will now notice is that the chart of account tax codes has been brought across automatically.
You can edit or manually add account codes as you need by going to Accounts < Chart of Accounts.
Using Burdi with Xero
Once your account is set-up you are ready to stop hustling and start streamlining. Watch the video below to see how to use Burdi with Xero.
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